DYD B-11
aSovbnpGiCCLndmSZo 117
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name http://hentaihaven.in.net/ hentaiheven  â€œEli’s a tough guy,” Rolle said. “I think a lot of people really don’t understand him as a person or even as a player. But he’s a tough guy. He can handle constructive criticism. He’s a guy that can deal with pressure. Obviously, he’s the quarterback of the New York Giants. There isn’t much more pressure than that. We have to be hard on Eli. At the same time, we love and respect Eli. We know what he brings to this game. We know what he brings to this team. Realistically speaking, we don’t win without Eli.
Curtis 2020-01-08 15:35:12

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