DYD B-11
LDsCmScgjK 118
Are you a student? http://streamate.in.net/ chaterbate  He says he’d long considered “revisiting” The Soul Cages, “where the demise of the shipyard became a sort of useful metaphor for the demise of my parents. It had a kind of theatrical mood, but there wasn’t a narrative – it was just a mood piece.” Four years ago he decided to “have a go at trying to make a story out of it. And I read a story about some shipyard workers in Gdansk in Poland who built their own ship. I just loved that. I thought it was a really wacko, Homeric idea. And I thought: ‘I’ll weld that idea to my town.’  ” He wanted to know: “Why was I born in this place? And why am I here?” Because he regards New York as his main residence, he pitched his idea to a Broadway producer, Jeffrey Seller, who had staged the hit musical Rent. Impressed, he introduced Sting to playwright Brian Yorkey.
Chloe 2019-07-30 12:53:12

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